Friday, January 29, 2010

A Good Excuse

I haven't posted in a over a month...

Bad, bad, Blogging Momma.

I know that my reasons for long hiatus' in the past have been what some might consider trivial matters (but can we really consider re-runs of Desperate Housewives trivial??).

However, THIS TIME I have good reason. If you've read my Facebook status updates (which you really should read because on most days its my connection with the outside world), you know that we are going to have another baby in late July! And either this baby doesn't like me, or I am getting too old or I have repeatedly been eating bad fish over the past 3 months...whatever the reason may be...I HAVE BEEN SICK!


I was sick with Nicholas too...but back in those days I would lay down when I was sick. Even if I were busy at work...I would just take a few minutes to lay my head down on my desk and breathe. I don't have time to breathe like that anymore. The only opportunities I really get for deep breathing would be after I discover that Natalie has used crayon to write on the oak kitchen table, or after Naomi has dumped cat food into my dryer, or after Nicholas tells me he doesn't like what we are having for dinner (before I even tell him what that might be). Yes, those seem to be the moments I find myself practicing deep breathing (usually accompanied by counting in my head).

However, the further I get into this pregnancy and all it entails with three little ones running circles around me...the more I realize that at some point in my day I have to concentrate on deep breathing, quiet reading, trashy TV watching, and of course blogging. Even if it means I leave laundry for another day or dishes in the sink. Because I find on the days I make an effort to focus on "me as Sammie" and not just "me as Momma"...I usually feel better, enjoy being pregnant more AND (drumroll please...) find I have more patience to deal with the moments that cause me to count and breathe deeply with the other three. So let it be known to my blogging circle that I hereby commit to taking more time for Sammie in 2010.

*And I hear you chuckling about how that is going to work being that I will have four kids in July...*


And because I have been a bad blogger, I decided to redeem myself a bit by creating a little movie montage covering the past month's activities. Enjoy!

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Kc said...

Maybe it's a BOY and thus all the morning sickness. How fun!!!

Unknown said...

Love your blog and video update!
Those kids are adorable! Love all those little smiles! God's Blessings to you all! Love from the Stelljes Family!

The Leinwetters said...

hello my favorite "B" clan. I miss you guys soooo much.

The Leinwetters said...

KC, it is a boy. I'm sure of it!