This morning Natalie and I were talking about what we were going to do today and she said "let's see Anderson"...well, this broke my heart because I know she loves and misses her little buddy Anderson. Afterall, she practically grew up with him the first 2 and a half years of her life. I explained to Natalie that Anderson didn't live near us anymore but that we should look at pictures and remember how much fun we had when he did live by us. So today we took a trip down memory lane and saw pictures of many of our wonderful Wichita/Residency/St. Andrews friends that we miss so much. If you are reading this guys, we hope it brings you a smile to remember when too.
PS - Joy, Angie, Rachel...why don't I have more pics of our kids together? If you have some...send to me! :)
loved it sammie.... REALLY miss you guys and the brueggemann parties, and your input at church s.s. etc.... i know i don't have any pics of the kids together, joy would be your gal, you know me if it's to techy i usually try to stay far away. =) take care
Josh and I met while walking backwards...and have had fun moving forward ever since! We were campus tour guides at K-State (thus the walking backwards part) and were married April 28, 2001. Along the way, we have been blessed with three beautiful children and various furry kids too. Josh is a family physician and I am enjoying the gift of staying home with our kids. This blog is my attempt to chronicle our lives a bit so that someday we can look back and remember when...we hope you enjoy sharing the journey with us!
Wife to Josh, my best friend. Momma to three precious children. Rescuer and advocate of animals. Fanatic about clean floors. Thankful for wonderful friends and family.
:( we miss you guys too!
loved it sammie.... REALLY miss you guys and the brueggemann parties, and your input at church s.s. etc.... i know i don't have any pics of the kids together, joy would be your gal, you know me if it's to techy i usually try to stay far away. =) take care
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