First of all - Naomi Grace turned ONE on August 24th. Hard to believe my "baby" has moved from the baby-stage into the toddler-stage. She had a great pool party with several family members celebrating with us and she almost showed off her new trick of trying to walk. She took her first two steps the night before her birthday and I honestly think she would walk across the room if she wouldn't think about what she was doing. She gets too concentrated and then falls down on her rear. I am not wishing the time away and don't want her to grow-up any faster than necessary, but I am looking forward to her being on two feet as opposed to all fours crawling...just for the sake of cleanliness. Our baby girl just lights up our world with her precious smile and we have been so blessed by having her in our lives this year.
Potty-training with Natalie has gone remarkably well. She has such a mind of her own but thankfully it appears that she has made up her mind to use the potty. She had an accident-free day yesterday (and told us when she had to go) and so far today has been accident-free and also telling me when she needs to go. She is doing GREAT and loves her big-girl underwear. She also loves chocolate candy and I think the combination of M&M's and Princess underwear has really done the trick for her. She has earned herself a princess Barbie doll for all her efforts and has been telling us what a big girl she is every 5 minutes or so.
Nichoas has some VERY BIG NEWS! He is a KINDERGARTEN student now! We had made the decision because he is a July boy to hold him back a year and start K next year. We had him enrolled in a Peer Model classroom at The Center here in Pittsburg where he was suppose to be a role model kid in a class that was mixed with normal functioning kids and kids with special-needs. We thought this would be great for him but when we realized at Orientation last week that the other kids in his class were mainly 3 year olds, we decided that wasn't the best option for him. We were afraid with such an age difference that he would regress and not feel stretched to learn more. So on Friday we checked out our Kindergarten options and decided on the public school near our house - George Nettels Elementary. This morning when Momma woke him up and asked him if he knew what today was, he popped right up and said "YES, KINDERGARTEN!" He was pumped. The picture above is of Nicholas with his teacher Mrs. Sours. When Momma and Daddy left his room at school he wasn't even looking to make sure we were still there...he was off with Andrew (our neighbor who is also in his class) meeting new friends. It was probably a harder day for Momma...realizing my oldest baby is growing faster than I thought possible. It seems like just yesterday when I held him for the first time and he fit snuggly in my arms. Now he's waving good-bye on his first day of Kindergarten...and I would be lying if I said I didn't have tears in my eyes as I finish this post. :) I know you other Momma's understand...
I will *try* to update tomorrow with all the great insights and things he tells me that he learned on his first day of school. I am sure it will be a HOOT!